Only a partial mystery this week. At least I have some family context for this one.
My people loved the beach! Standing, l. to r. : unidentified, Alice (Rimkus) Karvoius. Seated, l. to r. : unidentified, Constantine Karvoius, Estelle Karvoius. Note the small unidentified child standing behind the man with the mustache. |
Closer view of the Karvoius family and the mystery men. |
I believe that this photo was taken out of an album that belonged to my Great-Aunt Estelle Karvoius. That's her on the far right in the front row. I also recognize my Great-Grandmother, Alexandra "Alice" (Rimkus) Karvoius in the back row, and my Great-Grandfather, Constantine Karvoius, in the middle of the front row. Based on Estelle's birth date in 1909, I think this was taken in the 1920's, probably in New Jersey.
The mysteries in this photo are the young man in the back on the left, and the man with the rather spectacular mustache. They both appear in other pictures in the collection as well. Also, please note the little child standing behind the man with the mustache. He is looking down at the ground, and nearly disappears into the background.
The back of the photo has some of the black paper from the album still attached, but you can see that it was stamped "Printed by Elizabeth Novelty Co. / 1?5 / Elizabeth, N.J."
So, any ideas gentle readers? If you recognize the people or the location, please let me know!
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